• بسته آموزشی Academic English Collocations  شامل 10درس – هر درس شامل دو بخش – هر بخش شامل ویدئوهای آموزشی و تمرینات هوشمند-تعاملی در محیط  LMS
  • سطح زبانی مورد نیاز : Upper-intermediate
  • دسترسی به جلسات آموزشی و تمرین ها از طریق این سامانه به می باشد.
  • لازم به توضیح است این دوره برای کلیه زبان آموزانی که سطح آنها Upper-intermediate می باشدمناسب است واختصاص به آزمون خاصی ندارد.
  • پس از خرید دوره برای دسترسی کامل به دوره دکمه شروع دوره و یا ادامه دوره را برای دسترسی به مطالب  و جلسات بزنید.

چنانچه در پایان دوره هر بسته آموزشی نیاز به تمدید بسته داشته باشید، مدت تمدید ها یک ماهه است و هزینه تمدید یکماهه 100000 تومان می باشد.

برای مشاهده مطالب هر هفته بر روی لیست پایین کلیک کنید.


بسته سه ماهه 500،000 تومان مدت زمان دسترسی به کلیه مطالب این بسته سه ماه می باشد.


برنامه درسی دوره

Video:Lesson One –PartI (Collocations in the News) رایگان 00:00:00
1-2-EXERCISE1:Gap-Filling رایگان 00:00:00
1-3-Exercise 2:Gap-Filling رایگان 00:00:00
1-4-Exercise 3:Fill in the blanks رایگان 00:00:00
1-5- Exercise 4 رایگان 00:00:00
Video:Part II. Topical Vocabulary (The Environment) رایگان 00:00:00
1-7-Exercise 5 :Gap-Filling رایگان 00:00:00
1-8-Exercise 6:Gap-Filling رایگان 00:00:00
Video:Lesson Two-PartI (Collocations in the News) 00:00:00
2-2-EXERCISE2:Mini-Test 00:00:00
2-3-EXERCISE2:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
2-4-EXERCISE3:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
2-5-EXERCISE4:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
Video:Topical Vocabulary (Research Methodology) 00:00:00
2-7-Exercise 5 :Mini-Test 00:00:00
2-8-EXERCISE6:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
2-9-EXERCISE7:Mini-Test 00:00:00
Lesson 3
Video 1:Lesson 3 Part I (Verb + Noun/ Verb + Adverb Collocations) 00:00:00
3-2-EXERCISE1:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
3-3-EXERCISE 2:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
3-4-EXERCISE3:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
3-5-EXERCISE 4: Mini-Test 00:00:00
3-6-EXERCISE5 00:00:00
Video: Part II. Topical Vocabulary (Family Issues) 00:00:00
3-8-Exercise 6 :Gap-Filling 00:00:00
Lesson 4
Video:Lesson Four –Part I(Verb + Noun/ Verb + Adverb Collocations) 00:00:00
4-2-EXERCISE1:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
4-3-EXERCISE2:Mini-Test 00:00:00
4-4-EXERCISE2:Mini-Test 00:00:00
4-5-EXERCISE4: Gap-Filling 00:00:00
Video: Part II. Topical Vocabulary (Jobs and Employment) 00:00:00
4-7-Exercise 5 :Gap-Filling 00:00:00
4-8-Exercise6 :Mini-Test 00:00:00
Lesson 5
Video:Lesson Five –Part I(Adjective + Noun Collocations) 00:00:00
5-2-EXERCISE1:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
5-3-EXERCISE2:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
5-4-Exercise 3:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
5-5-Exercise 4:Mini-Test 00:00:00
Video: Part II. Topical Vocabulary (Jobs and Employment) 00:00:00
5-6-Exercise 5:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
5-7- EXERCISE6 00:00:00
Lesson 6
Video:Lesson six –Part I(Adverb / Verb + Adjective Collocations) 00:00:00
6-2-Exercise 1:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
6-3-Exercise 2:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
6-4-Exercise3:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
6-5- EXERCISE4 00:00:00
Video: Part II. Topical Vocabulary (Travel) 00:00:00
6-7-Exercise 5:Mini-Test 00:00:00
Video: Part II. Topical Vocabulary (Travel) Set 2 00:00:00
6-9-Exercise 6:Mini-Test 00:00:00
6-10-Exercise 6:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
video:Lesson seven –Part I(Collocations for Good and Bad) 00:00:00
7-2-Exercise 1:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
7-3-Exercise2:Mini-Test 00:00:00
7-4-Exercise 3:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
7-5-Exercise 4:Mini-Test 00:00:00
7-6-Exercise 5:Mini-Test 00:00:00
Video: Part II. Topical Vocabulary (Jobs and Workplace) Set 1 00:00:00
7-8-Exercise 6:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
Video: Part II. Topical Vocabulary (Jobs and Workplace) Set 2 00:00:00
7-10-Exercise 7:Mini-Test 00:00:00
Video: Part II. Topical Vocabulary (Jobs and Workplace) Set 3 00:00:00
7-12-Exercise 8:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
8-1-Video:Lesson Eight – Part I (Collocations for Success) 00:00:00
8-2-EXERCISE1:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
8-3-EXERCISE2:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
8-4-EXERCISE3:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
8-5-Exercise 4:Mini-Test 00:00:00
Video:Part II. Topical Vocabulary (Success in the Workplace) Set 1 00:00:00
8-7-EXERCISE5:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
8-8-Exercise 6:Mini-Test 00:00:00
Video:Part II. Topical Vocabulary (Success in the Workplace )Set 2 00:00:00
8-10-EXERCISE7:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
Lesson 9
Video:Lesson Nine –Part I(Collocations for Importance) 00:00:00
9-2-EXERCISE1:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
9-3-Exercise 2:Mini-Test 00:00:00
9-4- Exercise 3 :Mini-Test 00:00:00
9-5- Exercise4 :Mini-Test 00:00:00
Video:Part II. Topical Vocabulary (Life in the City- Set 1) 00:00:00
9-7-EXERCISE5:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
Video:Part II. Topical Vocabulary (Life in the City- Set 2) 00:00:00
9-EXERCISE6:Gap-Filing-9 00:00:00
Lesson 10
Video:Lesson Ten PartI ( Collocations for Where We live) 00:00:00
10-2-EXERCISE1:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
10-3-EXERCISE2:Mini-Test 00:00:00
10-4-EXERCISE3:Gap-Filling 00:00:00
10-5-EXERCISE4:Mini-Test 00:00:00
Video:Part II. Topical Vocabulary (Global Problems- Set 1) 00:00:00
10-7-EXERCISE5:Mini-Test 00:00:00
Video:Part II. Topical Vocabulary (Global Problems- Set 2) 00:00:00
10-9-EXERCISE6:Mini-Test 00:00:00
50 دانشجو ثبت نام کرد